DULGERO delivers orders from Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm, depending on the local delivery schedule. Shipping costs will vary based on the size, weight, and destination of your order, and will be calculated at checkout. All orders are delivered through trusted carriers such as UPS, DHL, or FedEx.
We will select the express service that is most efficient for your location.
Delivery Time:
Delivery times are estimates and are based on the time from dispatch: - Europe: delivery within 1-5 business days - USA: delivery within 3-6 business days - Rest of the world: delivery within 2-10 business days
Please note that these shipping times are estimates and do not guarantee a specific delivery date. DULGERO is not responsible for any delays caused by customs clearance, failed payment approval, or other factors beyond our control. However, we will do our best to minimize any potential delays.
Once you place an order, we will send you an email with all the details. We may also contact you if we need more information to verify your payment. After your order is confirmed, it will be dispatched within 1 business day.
Delivery times vary depending on your location and can take anywhere from 1 to 10 business days after dispatch. You will receive a confirmation email once your order has been shipped, which will include tracking information. If you do not receive tracking information or have any questions about your shipment, please contact us at officedulgero@gmail.com
If you change your mind after placing an order, we will do our best to cancel it for you. Please send an email to officedulgero@gmail.com as soon as possible. However, please note that we process orders quickly, so it may not be possible to cancel an order once it has been processed and dispatched.
If your order has already been dispatched, please refer to our Refunds Policy Section to learn about your options for returning the item.
Customer Support
If you have any questions or concerns about your order, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team at officedulgero@gmail.com We are here to help and will respond as promptly as possible.
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